The dark phase of the moon represents the elements of human experience that lie in the shadows (i.e. pain, illness, vulnerability, sex and death) and thus are often repressed. Dark Moon Rising is about raising up these shadow parts and beholding them with a razor sharp night vision that honors them as integral to human wholeness! Remember this: when you’re viewing the moon in its dark phase, it is then and only then that you’re seeing its TRUE FACE, rather than a mere reflection.


Growing up, it became clear early on that I was gifted with more pronounced feminine traits (i.e. sensitivity and deep empathy) than traditional masculine traits. However, being raised in a wounded masculine culture (where dominance and aggression are the name of the game) I was systematically trained to toughen up my sensitivity and exile my vulnerability. Thus I became more armored and less open. After decades of inner work, spiritual practice and re-connecting with the wilderness (or true nature) I learned that owning my feminine character traits is my sovereign rite and that true manhood necessarily includes the championing of the many magnificent facets of femininity but most especially the ones that have been outcasted by dominant culture. Re-claiming these repressed facets are an inherent part of the work involved in the Dark Moon phase of the soul. Living in intimate relationship with these parts and allowing them to move through me is one of the most liberating experiences I’ve been graced to engage.

Dark Moon Rising is a celebration of the sacred feminine living in deep symbiotic relationship with the sacred masculine!

It’s time to sharpen your night vision!

Learning to see at night, metaphorically speaking, is a delicate skill to master. It takes a lot of patience and courage to work with the wild, unknown of the night world. Instead of seeing with our literal, sensate form, we must learn to use our intuition, imagination and our bodies as the key illuminators in the dark. Once fine tuned, these faculties introduce us to an inner world that’s been eagerly awaiting our awakening. These lost characters of the night crave a sense of belonging and once they feel seen, they tend to collaborate in service of the whole. This often commences a slow but generative process of dying to the “false selves” we used as adaptations and rising into our most true self!